
One of the world's leading developers of cross-platform Data Loss Prevention (DLP), eDiscovery, Device Control, and Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions.

Founded in 1997, Cimcor is an industry leader in developing innovative security, integrity and compliance software solutions. The firm is on the front lines of global corporate, government and military initiatives to protect critical IT infrastructure and has consistently brought IT integrity innovations to market.

Cimcor’s flagship software product, CimTrak, helps organizations to monitor and protect a wide range of physical, network and virtual IT assets in real-time. Built around leading-edge file integrity monitoring capabilities, CimTrak gives organizations deep situational awareness including who is making changes, what is being changed, when changes are occurring, and how changes are being made. This, coupled with the ability to take instant action upon detection of change, gives organizations assurance that their IT assets are always in a secure and compliant state.

Cimcor is headquartered right outside of the Chicago, IL market with business operations worldwide.

DataCore總公司位於美國佛羅里達州,自西元1998年成立起便致力於提供用戶最佳的儲存虛擬化解決方案,並成為該領域領導廠商。有別於一般儲存廠商的封閉式儲存管理架構,DataCore所倡導的以虛擬化為核心的開放式儲存管理平台,能夠整合各種不同廠牌與硬體特性儲存設備,形成集中控管與資源共享的儲存網路,讓儲存管理成為簡單輕鬆的工作。除此之外,DataCore開放式儲存管理平台所提供的全方位資料保護功能,更可為企業永續經營奠定堅實的基礎。DataCore全球儲存虛擬化企業用戶已超過一萬家,堪稱全球「軟體定義儲存」權威。 近年來雲端運算儼然成為資訊產業趨勢,虛擬化則扮演雲端架構基礎設施的核心功能,但儲存系統往往成為虛擬化架構中最常被忽視的要角。虛擬化後,儲存管理的新難題將隨之而來,若不改變儲存管理方式,虛擬化效益將大打折扣。儲存虛擬化,是雲端時代的最佳儲存管理策略,同時可將使用者導入虛擬化的整體投資,發揮最大效益。

Ekran System was established in 2013 by a group of experienced digital security specialists. In late 2013 the first official market version of Ekran Systems was released. The company, backed by Virginia state government (CIT funding via MACH37 accelerator) and private investors, focuses on the development of insider security solutions and delivering them to customers worldwide via its global partner network.
We see our mission in providing our customers with an efficient and easy-to-use tool to address all their insider threat monitoring needs as well as improve their compliance and meet security audit requirements. Since its inception in 2013, Ekran System continuously grows engaging customers in both SMB and big enterprise segments working with small firms, public and educational institutions, and Fortune 500 companies.

Entarian specializes in building high availability enterprise level applications for the systems management of Microsoft Windows and Unix Systems. ForestSafe Privilege Password Managerment are fully automated, with little or no ongoing maintenance. We understand operational management and can integrate into any company's availability infrastructure with minimum change overhead.

Moonwalk™ develops the all-inclusive data management and protection software for major operating systems, storage platforms and the cloud. Moonwalk™ can be found in banking, healthcare, manufacturing, government, research and other key industries.

Austrian company ProLion has specialised in developing hardware and software for NetApp storage. Our certified NetApp experts develop high-quality hardware and software solutions so that large enterprises and SMEs can run their storage platform more efficiently and, above all, more securely. ProLion has extensive experience of storage technologies and we are happy to go the extra mile for customers with innovative ideas.


Silverfort 是無需安裝代理程式 (Agentless)、無需部署代理伺服器 (Proxyless) 來快速建置的『統一身份保護平台 Unified Identity Protection Platform』。可將 MFA 擴展到任何資產、防止從 OT / IT / IoT 網路對網域控制器攻擊、發現監控 AD / Azure AD 與保護服務帳號、阻斷勒索軟體擴散、防止橫向移動、可視性與風險分析。

Spirion, headquartered in St. Petersburg, FL, is the leading provider of enterprise data management software to help businesses reduce their sensitive data footprint and proactively minimize the risks, costs and reputational damage of successful cyberattacks. Spirion helps organizations avoid costly data breaches by discovering, classifying, monitoring and protecting personal information, medical records, credit card numbers, and intellectual property stored across the enterprise, within e-mail, and in the cloud. Spirion specializes in the high-precision search and automated classification of unstructured data using its AnyFind™ engine’s unparalleled accuracy when analyzing human-generated text and images. Spirion has thousands of customers among leading firms in the healthcare, public sector, retail, education, financial services, energy, industrial, and entertainment markets.

自 2000 年以來,IS Decisions 一直致力於開發安全軟體,幫助您防禦未經授權與不需要的存取;目前已經有來自 129 個國家 / 地區的 3400 多名客戶使用 IS Decisions 軟體。IS Decisions 公司 UserLock 軟體隨時隨地保護 Active Directory 帳號:透過 MFA、SSO 與連線管理,UserLock 可以保護所有員工對企業網路與雲應用程式的存取,無論是現場還是遠端。

Teramind is a breakout technology company that is wholly dedicated to revolutionizing what employee monitoring software can accomplish. Founded in 2014 by an experienced team of developers, Teramind has already established itself as a tremendous asset for small companies and some of the world's largest corporations.

Nozomi Networks是工業網路安全的領導者,為即時可視性提供最佳解決方案,以管理網路風險並提高工業運營的彈性。通過一個解決方案,客戶可以獲得先進的網路安全性,提高運營可靠性並輕鬆實現IT / OT整合。該公司創新了使用人工智能, 幫助全球最大的工業設施See and Secure™其關鍵的工業控制網路。如今,Nozomi Networks在關鍵基礎設施、能源、製造、採礦、運輸和公用事業等領域支持超過25萬台設備,從而有可能應對不斷升級的運營網路(OT)網路風險。

Today Varonis is the foremost innovator and solution provider of comprehensive, actionable data governance solutions for unstructured and semi-structured data with over 2000 installations span leading firms in financial services, government, healthcare, energy, media, education, manufacturing and technology worldwide. Based on patented technology, Varonis' solutions give organizations total visibility and control over their data, ensuring that only the right users have access to the right data at all times.